Mark A. Gorenstein

A photograph of me at the Hungarian Pastry shop, courtesy of Ike Kitman
(At the Hungarian Pastry Shop, courtesy of Ike Kitman)

I am a PhD student in the Department of Psychology and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at UC Berkeley.

I work with Steve Piantadosi on models of concept learning and memory search, and I collaborate with Bob Knight to connect those models to electrophysiological dynamics in human brains.

Prior to grad school, I was a research assistant on the Restoring Active Memory project at Dartmouth. Before then, I studied computer science and the philosophy of language at Columbia and Oxford.

During the summer of 2021 I am teaching a course on the "Psychology and Literature of Memory" to students at San Quentin State Prison enrolled in Mount Tamalpais College.

Interests: conceptual representation, learning from language, cognition in digital environments, late Bruner.

Recent Papers

A. Llorens, A. Tzovara, ..., M. A. Gorenstein, ..., S Kastner, R.T. Knight, and N.F. Dronkers, "Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions," in Neuron, 2021. [link]

M. A. Gorenstein*, Z. Cedegao*, S. T. Piantadosi, "A model of temporal connective acquisition," in Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020. [pdf]

For fun: AI-generated portraits, The Mechanical Poet.

Contact me at: [last_name]

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